Greetings and Explanations

    Hello! and Welcome!

  Let me take a moment to give you the rundown, so to speak.

   I live in South Eastern New England, U.S.A. ( New England is the North Eastern U.S. in case you're not familiar with it)
   I spend a good amount of time during the warmer months (April-ish to about October on average) walking around in conservation areas and other uninhabited places, enjoying the scenery and trying to learn about the local environment. It's not uncommon to find me in the middle of the woods, covered in grime, knee deep in a stream, or otherwise elbows deep in investigating some thing or another. Sometimes to my own detriment, I know more about poison ivy than I ever would have liked!

  For a long time I've taken photographs of things, but i never really thought about trying to use them for educational purposes. Mostly I just thought they looked pretty.
  Now I'd like to try and give more purpose to my walks and photographs. By combining them and some other sources, I hope to create a blog that might be beneficial to anyone who might be curious about identifying or understanding things they might find when they happen to go for a walk in a New England forest.

So that about wraps it up for an introduction. Thanks for checking it out, and hope to see you soon with some posts about the forest!

Have a Good Day!

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